Oct 3 – 5, 2015
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth
US/Eastern timezone

An Overview of DNS Privacy Mechanisms

Oct 3, 2015, 2:00 PM
St-Francois (Fairmont Queen Elizabeth)


Fairmont Queen Elizabeth

900 René-Lévesque Blvd W Montreal, QC H3B 4A5 Canada
Public Workshop Public Workshop


Allison Mankin (Verisign Labs)Mr Shumon Huque (Verisign Labs)


As part of the IETF's efforts to secure all protocols against pervasive surveillance, several privacy enhancements to the DNS are actively being developed with prototype implementations of such enhancements also emerging. This talk will provide a technical description of these mechanisms as well as deployment challenges and related considerations. Topics to be covered will include query-name minimization, DNS over TLS/DTLS and other encryption proposals, payload padding, etc. We will also cover related efforts to minimize leakage of DNS names in other protocols.


As part of the IETF's efforts to secure all protocols against pervasive surveillance, several privacy enhancements to the DNS are actively being developed with prototype implementations of such enhancements also emerging. This talk will provide a technical description of these mechanisms as well as deployment challenges and related considerations. Topics to be covered will include query-name minimization, DNS over TLS/DTLS and other encryption proposals, payload padding, etc. We will also cover related efforts to minimize leakage of DNS names in other protocols.

Please also consider this submission for the NANOG65 DNS track Yes

Primary author

Allison Mankin (Verisign Labs)


Mr Shumon Huque (Verisign Labs)

Presentation materials