Oct 3 – 5, 2015
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth
US/Eastern timezone

AGM and Member-only Session

2014 Annual General Meeting of OARC, Inc

Date: Saturday 3rd October 2015
Time: 14:00 UTC
10:00 EDT
Location: Fairmont Queen Elizabeth
900 Rene Levesque Blvd. W
Montreal, Quebec H3B 4A5, Canada
Room: St Francois
Jabber: xmpp:members@conference.dns-oarc.net
Chair: Ondrej Filip
Secretary: Keith Mitchell

OARC 2015 AGM Timetable

OARC 2015 AGM Agenda

  1. 10:00 Start of formal AGM business

  2. Introduction from OARC Chairman (Ondrej Filip)

  3. Receive OARC President's Report (Keith Mitchell)

  4. Receive OARC Treasurer's Report on 2014 audited Financial Statements. (Duane Wessels, Treasurer)

  5. Approve 2014 OARC Audited Financial Statements

  6. Approve Minutes of 2014 AGM

  7. Elect three member representatives to the OARC Board (Proxy Form)

  8. AOB

  9. 11:00 Conclusion of formal AGM business

  10. 12:00 Member-only presentation(s)

  11. 12:30 End of Member-only Session

Keith Mitchell, OARC Secretary, 29th August 2015