Oct 3 – 5, 2015
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth
US/Eastern timezone

Using TLS for DNS privacy in practice

Oct 3, 2015, 2:30 PM
St-Francois (Fairmont Queen Elizabeth)


Fairmont Queen Elizabeth

900 René-Lévesque Blvd W Montreal, QC H3B 4A5 Canada
Public Workshop Public Workshop


Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)


This talk will focus on the existing prototype implementations of DNS-over-TLS and dive into some of the finer points of using TLS in practice. This will include authentication issues, performance considerations, TCP connection management, DoS mitigation and a demonstration. It will also discuss the current best practices for using TLS in applications and the upcoming developments in TLS 1.3.

Primary author

Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)

Presentation materials