Public Workshop: Benchmarking Track
- Liam Hynes (Dyn)
Tomas Hlavacek
(CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.)
10/3/15, 4:00 PM
Public Workshop
CZ.NIC Labs created and continues to actively develop Knot DNS authoritative DNS server. The development team puts substantial effort into optimizing the server performance and searching for new optimization opportunities. So we created a DISTEL-based lab for benchmarking not only our server but for comparing many different authoritative DNS servers and versions.
The presentation shows our...
victoria risk
10/3/15, 4:30 PM
Lightning Presentations
The EDNS (Extension mechanisms for DNS) protocol allows us to add new features to DNS that were not envisioned when DNS was originally specified. DNSSEC, Client-subnet Identifier and DNS cookies are applications that use EDNS.
It appears from ISC's testing that a significant percentage of sites that support EDNS do not respond well to unknown EDNS options. The failure mode can be as severe...
Robert Edmonds
(Farsight Security, Inc.)
10/3/15, 4:45 PM
Lightning Presentations
This talk will outline the use of tools from the netsniff-ng toolkit and the Linux kernel along with a home-grown benchmark harness to characterize UDP DNS performance. These tools operate very differently from "traditional" utilities like dnsperf/resperf and produce very different results, possibly contradicting conventional wisdom that UDP on Linux is slow.
Joao Luis Silva Damas
(Bond Internet Systems)
10/3/15, 5:00 PM
Public Workshop
Using traffic captured at two different ISP's recursive resolvers we analise the potential impact on the servers of long lived TCP sessions, investigating the effect of timeout settings, the total number of simultaneous connections that would be kept open and the potential benefits of connection reuse as proposed in the current version of draft-ietf-dnsop-5966bis, with the intent of offering...
Kazunori Fujiwara
(Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)
10/3/15, 5:30 PM
Lightning Presentations
The presentation discusses just an idea
about DNS over QUIC and zone transfer
over QUIC or TLS/TCP.
The third transport of DNS may be QUIC.
Both DNS and QUIC use UDP and port 53/UDP may be possible to share.
(If possible, implementation status will be reported, but it seems hard.)
And zone transfers may be performed over QUIC or TLS/TCP transport with
server certificate authentication.