Oct 15 – 16, 2016
The Fairmont Dallas
US/Central timezone

RFC 2181 Ranking data and referrals/glue importance

Oct 16, 2016, 5:00 PM
Gold (The Fairmont Dallas)


The Fairmont Dallas

1717 N Akard St Dallas, TX 75201 USA
Public Workshop Public Workshop


Mr Kazunori Fujiwara (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)


Referrals (parent side NS RRset at zone cut) and glue are important. However, the importance is not well described in DNS standards. RFC 2181 Section 5.4.1 "Ranking data" shows that referrals ranking is lowest. However, the referrals make zones and specify name servers that serve authoritative data for the zones. The glue specifies IP addresses of the name servers that serve authoritative data for the zone. The NS RRset at the apex of the zone is authoritative data, however, it does not make the zone cut. NS RRset at parent side is more important than NS RRSet at child side. This presentation will explain the details, propose clarifications of DNS standards and new name resolution method, and report an experiment/simulation result of new name resolution algorithm. Proposed name resolution method use referrals, glue and out-of-bailiwick name server information to iterate DNS tree and responds authoritative data only (except referrals and glue).
Talk duration 30 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Kazunori Fujiwara (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)

Presentation materials