Public Workshop
- Mauricio Vergara Ereche (ICANN)
Ciprian Dan Cosma
10/16/16, 4:15 PM
Public Workshop
Standard Presentation
The size of the UDP buffers has a significant impact on nameserver performance and, as such, is a decision that has to be taken for all DNS deployments. Due to the interaction between operating system memory allocation strategies, TCP/IP stack implementation, buffer accounting, and application software there are a lot of misunderstandings about what is the appropriate value...
Sebastian Castro
10/16/16, 4:45 PM
Public Workshop
Standard Presentation
This is a short presentation about forensic digging into DNS data to understand when and why the Internet went crazy querying for the same record again and again. Cooperation with a provider and rapid action helped to mostly fix the problem.
Kazunori Fujiwara
(Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)
10/16/16, 5:00 PM
Public Workshop
Referrals (parent side NS RRset at zone cut) and glue are important.
However, the importance is not well described in DNS standards. RFC
2181 Section 5.4.1 "Ranking data" shows that referrals ranking is
lowest. However, the referrals make zones and specify name servers
that serve authoritative data for the zones. The glue specifies IP
addresses of the name servers that serve...